Authentication Services

WExpress Cars 1 1

Authentication Services Requirements

Requirement of the Authentication of Documents:

  1. All authentication documents must be attached with two sets of photocopies (A4-size paper) 
  2. It is important to note that the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Manila only authenticates documents that are duly authenticated by the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines and have a 1-year  validity from the date of issuance. Documents authenticated by other embassies are also accepted. 
  3. The Embassy will collect an authentication fee per certificate or document (example: CHED CAV Certificate, transcript of records and diploma, certificate from school stating regular students, summary of related learning, five (5) certificates or documents). 
  4. W Express is required to receive only visa and authentication. 
  5. W Express is required to receive all Gratis documents such as death certificates, conversion to Islam certificates, DFA (diplomatic and official passports and Government visas if the applicants are outside Metro Manila with a free service charge. 
  6. Commercial applicants MUST file directly with the Embassy (required personal appearance in the Embassy).

Authentication Fees

Type of Document

Attached Dcuments

Authentication Fee

NSO Marriage Certificate

Marriage Certificate

Php 1,750.00

NSO Marriage Certificate

Marriage Certificate

Php 1,750.00

NSO Cenomar

Certificate of No Marriage

Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate

Birth Certificate

Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate

Local Civil Registry (LCR) if any

Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate

Transcript of Records

Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate


Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate

CAV Certificate of CHED

Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate

Certificate from school stating Regular/Irregular/Online Student

Php 1,750.00

NSO birth Certificate

Summary of Related Learning Experience (RLE) if any

Php 1,750.00

Employment Certificate

Requirement of the authentication of Documents

Php 1,750.00

Employment Certificate


Php 1,750.00

Employment Certificate

Regional Trial Court (RTC) Certificate

Php 1,750.00

DepEd - School Records

Form 137

Php 1,750.00

DepEd - School Records


Php 1,750.00

DepEd - School Records

CAV Certificate from DepEd

Php 1,750.00

Affidavit of Loss

Affidavit of Loss

Php 1,750.00

DepEd - School Records

regional Trial Court (RTC) Certificate

Php 1,750.00

Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

Php 1,750.00

Special Power of Attorney (SPA)

Regional Trial Court (RTC) Certificate

Php 1,750.00

PRC Boarding Rate Certificate

Board Rating

Php 1,750.00

PRC Boarding Rate Certificate

Board Certificate

Php 1,750.00

PRC ID License

ID License Certificate

Php 1,750.00

PRC Certificate of Passing

Certificate of Passing

Php 1,750.00

PRC Good Standing Certificate

Good Standing Certificate

Php 1,750.00

PRC Board Pass Certificate

Board Pass Certificate

Php 1,750.00

NBI Sundry Card Certificate

Sundry Card Certificate

Php 1,750.00

NBI Clearance

NBI Clearance

Php 1,750.00

LTO Certificate

LTO Certificate

Php 1,750.00

Bureau of Immigration Certificate

BIR Certificate

Php 1,750.00

Death Certificate

Death Certificate

Php 1,750.00

Conversion to Islam Certificate

BIR Certificate

Php 1,750.00

Note: For any other documents not indicated in the table, W Express must immediately call the Embassy to inquire about the fee.